Have you ever stopped to question why you do the things you do?

Or have you ever questioned the life that you seem to be experiencing?

What makes our outward reality the way it is? Does it just happen?

Is it all pre-determined?

Is it fate?

Is our whole life from start to finish mapped out before we even take our first steps?

Why are the results that you get different to a friend’s, who has lived a similar life to you in the same environment?

Or do you believe that we are in control of our results, the architects of our lives?

Is the physical creation that we live in every day a direct consequence of the choices we made before today?

“The quality of your life will be in direct proportion to the quality of thoughts you choose to experience.”

We have all become aware that everything originates from our thoughts.

Thoughts are like seeds. If they’re properly cultivated, they will grow into amazing realities through the creation process of thought, which creates our attitude, which drives our behaviours and actions and creates our results.

This process never fails and is constant in both the positive and negative end results that we see manifest in our lives.

Our subconscious mind does not have the ability to judge whether a situation, a thought or a result is positive or negative, it doesn’t know what is going to serve our desires.

It works on the seeds that are planted into it, either by outside influence or by a conscious effort or decision that we make.

So, if we can accept this as a fact, that all of our results are directly influenced by our decisions, which are controlled by our world view or attitude, which is shaped by our thoughts – What makes us think the thoughts we think?

What makes our thought patterns and processes any different to those of the people around us that are getting different results?

Our thoughts are controlled mainly by our feelings and emotions.

We allow the way we feel about someone, something or an idea to control the way we think about it.

Feeling positively about a new idea, being able to visualise the happy outcome that we desire will in turn produce positive and encouraging thoughts, which will launch us into action, in turn giving us a positive result.

But why do we feel the way we feel about the things that we think about?

It comes down to our beliefs. What we have been influenced to believe in the past.

Those influences are either from past experiences which we have evaluated and made judgement on, or they could be scripts or memories passed down to us from our parents, family or environment that have been in place so long, we have accepted them as reality without really questioning them. (limiting beliefs are created)

The Quality of your life will be in direct proportion to the quality of thoughts you choose to experience

If you take 2 completely opposing viewpoints on any subject, take religion for an example, the beliefs of 2 groups of people can be of total polar opposites.

But what makes either of them right or wrong? Can either of them be right or wrong, or are they just 2 different sets of beliefs?

Can they both be right and wrong?

Yes, they can, and it’s all dependent on their beliefs.

Your right will depend on your beliefs.

You’re wrong, is just someone else’s different belief.

It’s said that – “It’s virtually impossible to not be influenced in some way by anything that you see or hear.”

For this reason, it’s essential that we guard our subconscious minds using our conscious mind and exercise some level of control over what beliefs we are going to accept.

So, the burning question: “What should I believe?”

That depends on what you value the most. What serves you? What is essential for you to have in your life in order to feel fulfilled and whole?


A value is a measure of the worth or importance we attach to something.

Values are inherent and rarely change. They are our cultural operating system. A set of internal principles, our moral compass.

Values cannot be taught, we become aware of our values from the behaviours and influence of significant others. Some values we absorb, others we don’t.

Values define “how” we act, “what” we do and “who” we are.

Our values influence what we believe, which directs our feelings and thoughts to create our decision-making function.

The entire process can be visualised using a Value cycle of performance which shows how the end result can actually then feed into the beginning of the process by reinforcing or re-shaping beliefs.

This creates the Value Performance Cycle.

Values always stay at the core and are not changed without conscious effort.

How can we use this knowledge to create different results?

Once we become consciously aware of this creation process, fate becomes a myth.

We realise that we are in control of our lives and we can see the path clearly.

Becoming aware of your values then becomes a priority.

Knowing your core values brings clarity to strategy building and decision making, enabling a truly harmonious, fully intentional set of results to become your reality.

When a situation isn’t right in your life, times of upset or difficulty can be directly related to a value that is being violated or suppressed.

The emotional journey is shortened by becoming aware of why you feel negative toward the situation.

Solutions and decisions are made quickly with clarity and accuracy once you realise which value is being violated, and why the experience isn’t serving you.

So, consulting your values when making the most important life decisions becomes a very useful habit to develop.

It’s easy to think you desire a certain goal or outcome, but does it resonate with your values?

Your coach can take you through a Values clarification process to help you identify your core values.

See how you can use them to stress test your goals and ensure that your plans are built to ensure you are living into your true values.