The power of making decisions & the choices that come as a result of that commitment, can have a radical effect on everything you do.

It’s true to say that in order to do anything in life you first have to make a decision.

And making big decisions is no different to making small decisions.

And once a decision is made, it sets into action a string of events and an endless list of choices and new decisions.

Only now I’m beginning to understand the true potential that making a choice unlocks. But it’s only by making a decision that we get to move in the direction that the choice allows us to take.

This might all sound a bit philosophical, but I can tell you there are some real benefits to this way of thinking. Even something as simple as deciding to go on holiday offers a myriad of choices. The objective (of going on holiday) is always there but until you actually make that first decision (where, when, how much), those choices are just choices floating in the ether.

It’s the same with money. You have the choice to go out and make it. Until you make the decision or commitment to take that holiday (or make money) you will not understand what actually needs to be done to achieve it. And at this point a second set of choices present themselves. And on and on it goes until such a time as you get on that train or you hop on that plane or you start to make money.

There’s a catch though. There’s another factor at work. It’s the law of fair compensation. The law of fair compensation states that for everything you desire you will need to apply yourself to a value exceeding that of which you desire.

Simply deciding that you are going on holiday is a great, first step. Now what are you prepared to give in fair compensation for that which you desire? Just wanting to go away and sit on the beach without applying yourself is not going to get you there.

But having made the decision that you are going on holiday, you will begin to see and appreciate the opportunities that present themselves to help you make it happen and you will see those tasks or challenges in a new light.

What are you prepared to do in order to realise that potential?

If the answer is nothing, then you in turn will achieve nothing, but if you say everything necessary and believe it and carry it through then there is no reason that you will not be rewarded.

You are probably thinking, it’s easy for me to say all this but it’s not.

Last year I decided that I wanted to join the Elite membership group of one of my mentors. When the invitation came through my wife and I were both excited. She even said she would forgo our holiday. This invitation was eye wateringly expensive, but in truth I had made the decision five years ago I was just not sure how I would pay for it. So I put half on a credit card and paid out the other half through the business.

Yes! Decision made, move forward.

The following week I was told that our mortgage had come to the end of its term and that I would have to transfer it from my wife’s name to mine. Pre-existing equity didn’t count so I would have to pay down another eye watering sum as a deposit. Plus pay land registration tax on the transfer plus all legal costs associated with that transfer, ouch.

On top of that I had already decided to take my wife on holiday somewhere fantastic. In fact, I’m writing this sitting on the balcony of my hotel in one of the top 5 all-inclusive resorts in the Caribbean. The waves are pounding the shore just 20 metres away. It’s dawn and after the heavy rain yesterday, blue sky is forecast.

In this last two months I have had to fork out more money than I have paid myself in 2 years and I never thought it possible.

But the key is that 3 months ago I made the decision that it would happen and I have literally moved heaven and earth to make it so.

So, even as I sit here I realise that fair compensation has to be paid, which is why I’m “working”. Here, I can think clearly without the day to day distractions. I can create the tools and the programs that will help others and in turn allow me to return here and do it again.

I’m proof that it is possible to dream the impossible and achieve the incredible all while enjoying yourself. But realise always that fair compensation will need to be paid and you will need to make that commitment to make it happen.

The truly scary thing for me, is that if I achieved all of that in just 3 months, what am I truly capable of achieving with the rest of my life?

I believe everyone has a reason for being, a life’s purpose.

Mine is to help people find the financial freedom and life style they seek through the implementation or use of the services and products I have developed.

If you haven’t decided what your life purpose is yet, I recommend that you take some time out to de ne it. It does not need to be word perfect, but having a reason behind all those decisions we make means you can set yourself on the right road and your true life’s journey can begin. Without this reason you may nd yourself catching any train, going in any direction, without a destination in mind.

And if you start to plan your life’s journey with your life’s purpose in mind, you may well nd short cuts and diversions appear. But as long as you know where you are going you can always get back on track. And when you reach your destination or achieve your purpose, there’ll be a new decision to make, with a new set of challenges, a new objective. And like me you will be amazed at what you have achieved and can go on to achieve.

So, what do you want to achieve? What decisions do you need to make from the choices open to you? And what are you prepared to give in fair compensation for what you desire?

The choice and decisions are yours and yours alone.

Only you can make it happen.

Next time I’m talking about the stratagies to success and the 4 keys that can’t be overlooked. I’ll also be halfway up Mount Everest, so I’m excited about writing it, but that’s another story.

Here is a link to the promotional video I shot while I was on this trip

As you can see, I’m turning every situation into an opportunity.