Being aware that you are committed to your personal growth and actually having a plan for it are completely separate things!

John Maxwell sums this up beautifully in this step by step guide to making a structured plan for your self-development, and setting exercises at the end of each chapter to assist with the implementation of each new law.

  1. The Law of Intentionality – How to avoid the growth traps. The excuses we feed ourselves to avoid the commitment required to grow.
  2. The Law of Awareness – “You must know yourself to grow yourself” What would you like to do? What are your unique talents? What price are you willing to pay?
  3. The Law of the Mirror – You must see value in yourself to add value to yourself. Overcoming low self-esteem and overcoming limiting beliefs.
  4. The Law of Reflection – How to follow effective action with quiet reflection.
  5. The Law of Consistency – Motivation keeps you going – Discipline keeps you growing.
  6. The Law of Environment – Are you amongst the right people and surroundings to keep you growing?
  7. The Law of Design – How to maximise your growth by developing a winning strategy.
  8. The Law of Pain – How to deal with the bad experiences and transform the pain into learning.
  9. The Law of the Ladder – What are you doing every day to develop your character?
  10. The Law of the Rubber Band – How to apply the correct amount of stretch to your goals to ensure they are not too easy or too far out of reach.
  11. The Law of Trade Offs – What are you willing to let go of to achieve your dreams?
  12. The Law of Curiosity – A thirst for knowledge leads to maximum growth and exciting discoveries.
  13. The Law of Modelling – Learning from people ahead of you ensures continual growth. What do you want to learn and who could help you?
  14. The Law of Expansion – Growth always increases your capacity. If you knew you could not fail, what would you attempt?
  15. The Law of Contribution – Growing yourself enables you to grow others. Who can you help?

As advised by John himself at the John Maxwell Team Event (JMT) in Orlando, Florida, a great use of the book would consist of completing these 4 laws in the first month of reading: 

  1. The Law of intentionality
  2. The Law of Consistency
  3. The Law of Expansion
  4. The Law of Contribution

Followed by the remaining 11 laws, 1 each month, every month for the rest of the year.

 Completing the book this way allows for a good amount of reflection time to evaluate your growth and take the necessary amount of time to absorb these laws, maximising your potential.

Written in the gentle and amusing style that only John Maxwell can pull off, this book is light-hearted and positive, addressing the weaknesses we all experience with simple, definite strategies enabling you to live into your potential as a world class leader.