How we think and feel about money has been massively influenced by the things we heard our parents saying as we grew up…. phrases like, “money is the root of all evil”, “money doesn’t grow on trees”, and “you can’t buy happiness”.

In fact, Ecker shows us that it’s not only the way they spoke about money that influenced us, it was also the way our parents handled the money they earned, and how they saved, invested and spent it.

‘Secrets of the Millionaire Mind’ explains how people unconsciously develop rigid attitudes and behavioural patterns in their relationship to money that will, if not addressed, determine their future wealth.

The book offers some incredible insights, guiding principles and thought patterns that millionaires live by, and explains why ambitious, aspiring entrepreneurs like ourselves should follow their lead.

As we humans are creatures of habit, we must change our habits around money and train ourselves to think, and behave differently. . . thinking with a millionaire mind!

Ecker explains how we must take control of, and take responsibility for, our financial situation rather than thinking like a victim and complaining about the governments, the banks and the economy… using words like ‘lucky’ when we describe successful people.

Instead, have a positive attitude about money… start to like money (a difficult thing to do when you’ve been brought up on a diet of, “money is the root of all evil”.

We cannot become what we hate. So instead of resenting the rich or being envious of them and begrudging their wealth, study and emulate them. Adopt their way of thinking and we’re more likely to achieve the wealth we say we want.

The book encourages us to challenge and work on ourselves continuously. To study and learn the skills and techniques of the wealthy as this preparation will ensure, when the opportunities arise, we’re ready to take them.

Ecker also encourages us to think big. He explains how thinking small will simply yield small results. Are we thinking about service 100 customers or 100,000? Thinking small will always reflect itself in our results and therefore our wealth.

He also speaks about why we should be generating passive income, money we can earn ‘when we’re not actually working’, how we should be using it and he has some great ideas of how we should invest the income we generate.

Ecker teaches us that we must value ourselves if we are to be successful and wealthy, after all, if we don’t value ourselves, how will anyone else value us?

A great read and I recommend this book highly. So go get your copy today… or why not join the INNOVATORS and you’ll get your copy in the post this month along with many other additional benefits.