Every day we are led to believe that life should be effortless.

It seems as though showing that you care about something is no longer in style.

“Oh, this old outfit? I just threw it on”

“No, I don’t work out…I just watch what I eat”

“Eh, maybe it works out…maybe not…” (shrug)

Translation: “I’m not going to try hard because it’s cooler to not care. And if things don’t go my way…whatever.”

I think it’s GOOD to be obsessive about certain things – the things you care about.

No, I’m not obsessive about my shoelaces. I don’t care. But I am obsessive about the food I eat and the work I do.

Being obsessive isn’t the easiest path to choose, but it is what makes us individuals. The most interesting people around us are the ones that are obsessive about particular things.

An old university friend of mine is obsessed with collecting and learning to play any and all stringed instruments. He has dozens of guitars, mandolins, and sitars from around the world. A drinking session with him is an incredible evening as he slips further under the foggy haze of alcohol and begins his serenade. He is obsessed, and as a consequence is one of the most talented musicians I have ever known.

Or how about my grandfather who meticulously wrote in his diary every day and saved nearly every word he had written in his life as a pastor. He loved collecting and telling stories. His wife, his kids, they all accused him of being a hoarder. But when he died a couple years ago and the family started to unpack his files, we found incredible knowledge and beauty in what he had preserved. My aunt is even editing a series of books based on his writings.

To fill our lives with the kind of enjoyment we all dreamed of as kids, we have to become obsessive about the things that are important to us. It’s what makes us unique and what allows us to leave a legacy.

So, what are you obsessive about? Would you admit it to a friend?

Take a look at Apple, a truly obsessive company.

When Steve Jobs was designing the floors in Apple stores, he could’ve just looked at other places, picked a floor out of a catalogue, and be done. That would’ve been cheaper and easier. But he wanted his stores to be authentic. So, he searched around the world until he found something he liked. He finally settled on a stone that comes from a quarry outside of Florence, Italy. It’s attention to details like this that really makes something an experience.

It takes true obsession to play like Stevie Ray Vaughn, to type 360 words per minute, or to win a gold medal.

Hey, am I saying you need to be as good as Stevie Ray? No. If that’s your goal, just give up now. Nobody will ever beat Stevie (RIP).

What I am saying is that it IS necessary to be obsessive about a few key things in life.

“That’s quite obsessive, isn’t it?”

When we hear this question, our natural reaction is to minimise. “No, not really…I don’t really care that much…”

My answer: “Yes, it is.” This is being weird and being OK with it.

I get that it’s not popular to admit you really, really care about something. Because if it goes wrong, you might look like a fool. But I’d much rather be a fool who tried than to play it safe and be average.


If you want to be average, you don’t need to be obsessive about anything. But if you want to be great, you need to be obsessive about a few key things in life.

This is precisely why so many people are afraid to be obsessive. They are afraid of trying hard and failing. But come on, we all know that failure is the best way to get better. A true obsessive loves failure because it usually means they are learning.

But it does mean you have to put yourself out there and on the line. To stand up against a world that wants you to be beige and average.

There are plenty of ways you can blend in….

For example, if you want to start a business, anyone can build a random website that generates £2.54/month and get their family and friends to like and share their Facebook posts.

But if you want a real business that helps people and generates serious profit, you have to be obsessed about a few things.

For example:

Coming home after a long day at work:

NORMAL: “I’ll work on my business tomorrow, I need to unwind”

OBSESSIVE: Eats dinner, then works on their marketing strategy

Testing marketing tactics:

NORMAL: Jumps from tactic to tactic whenever the one they’re trying gets hard

OBSESSIVE: Meticulously researches the best 1-2 tactics and keeps pounding away at them until they work. For years if necessary

Launching a new product:

NORMAL: Sells a new service to their customer list and wings it after collecting their money

OBSESSIVE: Spends hundreds of hours researching and running test groups through the service to guarantee that it’s perfect before selling it to the masses.

Building a business:

NORMAL: Does everything because, ‘I’m the only one that can do it right’

OBSESSIVE: Spends hours every week developing themselves and learning to build a team around them that can run their business for them.

Look I get it. This isn’t for everyone. Our friends tell us to “live a balanced life.” Our family says “don’t work so hard.” Even I’m not obsessive about everything. It would drive me nuts. But I love obsessing over a few key things that make all the difference in my life.

Now, I should mention that it is important to choose wisely what you are going to be obsessive about. How likely is the obsession going to bring you joy? Who will you hurt with this obsession? How will you ensure you are living a healthy life while pursuing your obsession?

There is nothing wrong with being weird and obsessed. By putting your whole self out there for the world to see and probably mock. That is what life is for, to fly in the face of the conventional wisdom.

So today, my challenge for you: What are you willing to get obsessive about?